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Community Outreach 😊

Community Outreach 😊

Jan 24
Deon Best has worked with numerous organizations collaborating on creative programs such as adult workshops @ the Aga Khan Museum [2019] and Kids Summer Camp workshops @ the Gardiner Museum [2019]. Additionally Deon Best has also worked with and created content for several community outreach programs such as, lead artist for the Spark Cultural Hotspot Program & lead artist for the Eglinton Square Community Toucan Banner. His creative influence and outreach has been experienced by hundreds of participants from all diverse backgrounds!
*The Aga Khan Museum - Modern Batik workshop, sold out event!
Aga Khan Museum Collage by Deon Best
Aga Khan Museum Collage by Deon Best
*Gardiner Museum - Summer Camp content creator & lead artist for 4 week Modern Batik art engagement! 60 students in attendance.
Gardiner Museum Collage by Deon Best
*Lead artist & creator of Toucan Community Banner 4ftx8ft @ Eglinton Square, in partnership with Metrolinx (over 100 community members in attendance!) 
*TDSB Modern Batik school programs + various workshops.
*City of Toronto - Lead artist & host of SPARK Cultural Hotspot: Modern Batik Fashion Workshop series. Students created framed canvas pieces, tote bags and custom t-shirts with their own designs!
*Mike "Pinball" Clemons (former Football great) charity foundation, commissioned gala artwork by Deon Best.
Mike "Pinball" Clemons Foundation, commissioned artwork by Deon Best

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